
Measure your Team’s Effectiveness with Ticket Metrics Suite for ConnectWise Manage Integration

Published on
October 13, 2022
6 min read
Joey Petrasanta
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Are you looking for new ways to measure your MSP team’s efficiency? Business intelligence dashboards can show important ticket metrics that help you make informed decisions about your team’s performance.  

In this article, we’ll introduce five new MSPbots’ dashboards from the Ticket Metrics Suite for ConnectWise Manage integration, and explain what each key metrics shows to measure your team’s efficiency.

Active Tickets Summary Dashboard

This dashboard displays the total number of active tickets (non-child and non-internal) by board, status, and date created. Further, it provides full visibility of aging tickets, showing the creation date and last updated date.  

Ticket KPIs Dashboard

This dashboard displays the monthly trends of key performance indicators (KPIs) for open and closed tickets (non-child and non-internal), such as the Average Time to Respond and Average Time to Resolve. All of this is displayed per customer for easy investigation.

Tickets Resolved – Technician Efficiency Dashboard

This dashboard gives an overview of the daily count and rate of Tickets Resolved for the selected date range. It also displays the percentage of tickets resolved by First Line Response.

Tickets Opened–Closed Same Day Dashboard

This dashboard displays the number and percentage of tickets opened and closed on the same day, as well as weekly trends for selected date ranges.

Ticket Labor Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard compares the total ticket count to total labor hours by company, board, and subtype. It also can display a monthly trend for the chosen date range.

Business intelligence dashboards that display important ticket metrics are an absolute must if you want to ensure your MSP team is operating effectively. By monitoring key performance indicators, you can detect problems in your team early and take corrective action immediately. Dashboards also let you to track trends over time, allowing you to see if your team is improving or falling behind.

Don’t put off using dashboards to measure your team’s performance until it’s too late. Integrate MSPbot’s Tickets Summary for ConnectWise Manage to see how it can help your MSP run more smoothly and efficiently. Begin by signing up for free to learn more.