Tailored Ticket Prioritization for Faster Triage and Resolution

Tailored Ticket Prioritization for Faster Triage and Resolution

Picture this: a recent client issue is dominating your team’s attention, but is theirs the most critical ticket on the board? This is the effect of the recency bias, a cognitive bias where we tend to overemphasize recent events or information, sometimes at the expense of more significant, albeit older, issues. Especially for MSPs, this bias can skew  prioritization, leading to inefficiencies and delays in issue resolution. Efficient ticketing is the heart of effective service delivery.  In this blog, we’ll dive into how strategic MSP ticket prioritization, a key feature of our innovative tool, Next Ticket, can mitigate the effects of recency bias, cherry-picking, and other common ticketing challenges.


The Challenge of Efficient Triage 

Managing ticket triage efficiently is one of the most significant challenges faced by MSPs. This process is often complex with varying client needs, fluctuating response time expectations, and the constant juggling of resource allocation. The impact? A direct hit on operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. These challenges are compounded when key personnel, like dispatchers, are unavailable due to breaks, days off, or vacation. 

The solution is advanced tools like MSPbots’ Next Ticket, which addresses these challenges head-on. Mauro Cretari from CIO Landing, articulates the transformative impact of Next Ticket on their operations: 

“Next Ticket is the one that takes care of the prioritization for the technicians. So no matter if the dispatcher is on a day off, no matter if the dispatcher is having lunch, the system will still run, and everyone will get their tickets assigned.” 

This underscores the core benefit of Next Ticket–ensuring a seamless, uninterrupted flow of ticket assignment and prioritization. MSPs can overcome the traditional issues related to dispatcher availability, allowing for a more dynamic and responsive triage process. This innovative approach boosts productivity and client satisfaction by having the right tickets addressed at the right time, regardless of the human factors at play. 

Next Ticket automates the decision-making process, consistently prioritizing tickets based on predefined criteria. Even when the dispatcher is away, efficiency at the heart of your operations is maintained. 


Introducing ‘Company Type’ as a Priority Point  

A one-size-fits-all approach is rarely effective. Acknowledging this, Next Ticket introduces the ‘Company Type’ prioritization. This functionality caters to the unique demands of diverse clients. 

One of the many priority rules you can configure, the ‘Company Type’ option allows MSPs to categorize tickets based on the originating company’s profile. This system works by selecting the type of company from where the ticket was logged. Once the company type is identified, Next Ticket allocates corresponding points to the ticket, if specific criteria are met, helping to determine the ticket’s priority level in the queue. 


Benefits of ‘Company Type’ Prioritization 

Let’s explore the key benefits this MSP ticket prioritization feature brings to the table: 

Speed Up the Triage Process 

  • By automatically assigning priority points based on the ‘Company Type’, Next Ticket accelerates the decision-making process in triage. This results in quicker identification and allocation of resources to high-priority tickets. 
  • With the automation of prioritization, the need for manual intervention is significantly diminished, leading to a more efficient triage process. 

Improve Response Times 

  • Higher priority tickets are addressed faster, reducing the turnaround time significantly. 
  • Quicker responses naturally lead to increased client satisfaction, as clients appreciate prompt attention to their issues. 

Resource Optimization 

  • By understanding the priority level of tickets, MSPs can allocate their technical teams more judiciously, ensuring that critical issues get the attention they need without overburdening the staff. 
  • Efficient resource allocation also translates into cost savings, as it prevents the waste of valuable technical resources on less critical tasks. 

Enhanced Customer Service 

  • Recognizing the company type allows for service responses that are more tailored to the specific needs and context of each client. 
  • Customized service inevitably leads to stronger relationships with clients, fostering trust, customer satisfaction and long-term loyalty. 

Data-Driven Decisions 

  • The data collected through the ‘Company Type’ prioritization process offers valuable insights into client needs and service patterns. 
  • These insights enable MSPs to make informed decisions about service improvement, resource allocation, and future growth strategies. 


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The journey to optimized MSP ticket prioritization is paved with challenges, but with Next Ticket’s ‘Company Type’ prioritization, these challenges become opportunities for growth and excellence. 

Are you ready to elevate your MSP’s ticketing process? Take the first step towards a more efficient, client-centric future. Sign up today to explore Next Ticket and book your personalized demo. Experience firsthand how our solution can revolutionize your MSP operations. 



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