What AI Art’s Rapid Growth Means for IT MSPs

Published on
October 25, 2022
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Picture yourself scrolling through your phone, aimlessly working your way down your timeline.  

An image stops you in your tracks.

You first notice a hole in the middle of a room, allowing a burst of soft light to fill its dimly lit interiors. Then, you register the elegantly dressed women matching the room’s opulence. And, as if the striking image wasn’t enough of a surprise, you find out that the art you were so taken by was made by artificial intelligence.

Can AI make art?

In the 1950s, visual artists started testing new technological concepts and played around with computer graphics. Eventually, computers could create simple patterns and shapes using basic algorithms.  

Due to the invention of generative adversarial networks (GANs), AI art evolved to be able to produce images of their own.

Since then, AI has developed to be more adept at different functions. This is why it isn’t entirely surprising to think now that it can “make” art.

AI Enables Endless Possibilities

AI putting together intricate art pieces is a result of its rapid development over the years. Businesses have also been utilizing AI to quicken different processes. These processes include forecasting sales, using chatbots as digital assistants, designing products, creating buyer personas, and many others.  

Among this long list, process automation is an invaluable application of AI in businesses.  

Its scope ranges from simple support, like capturing data and approving expenses, to complex processes, like sorting possible clients.  

MSPs can make powerful use of process automation.  

How Process Automation can help MSPs

To further illustrate what process automation does, let’s look into what MSPbots has to offer:

  • Automated ticket dispatching system – The NextTicket Manager ensures that your technicians work on the correct ticket. This app can save 80% of your dispatcher’s time when properly set up.  
  • Employee attendance tracker The Attendance App provides insight into your team’s current status. Its tracking of accurate work hours could also be used to calculate utilization.  
  • Late time entry trackerThe Late Time Entry App guarantees that time entries are always accurate and that data is always available for calculating billable hours, utilization, and agreement profitability.

If the evolution of AI brought about the capacity for machines to make art in the blink of an eye, process automation tools allow MSP owners to acquire data in the blink of an eye.

The faster you get data, the more insight you’ll have into your operations—the more sound your business decisions will be. Sign up for free, or book a demo for more information on MSPbots.  

Innovation has arrived, knocking at your door. What’s your next move?