The MSPbots Late Time Entry app is a collection of widgets and bots designed to minimize late time entries of employees working for your MSPs.

View Late Time Entry Data in One Screen

The widgets of the Late Time Entry Analysis app offer an automated means of identifying late time entries through regular analysis reports. These widgets present entries based on user, time, week average, and monthly average, and can be activated on demand depending on what managers need at the time.These widgets allow service managers and MSP business owners to manage late time entries accordingly and avoid the negative impact of late time entries on their business profitability.

Get Message Alerts for Late Time Entries

Employees will find the ConnectWise Manage Late Time Entry Alert 3.0 (Real-Time) bot just as useful. Since it’s fully automated, whenever the bot detects a late time entry, it immediately sends an alert message to the employee. This way, the error can then be corrected right away. This instills discipline in the company and its employees, with everyone becoming mindful of their respective shifts and the timely submission of their time entries.  

Using the app will not be too difficult for anyone working in the MSP industry. MSPbots prides itself in coming up with user-friendly and innovative applications.

The Late Time Entry Analysis app is not meant to put employees with late time entries in a bad light.  Rather, it should be seen as a means by which everyone, including managers, can learn to become more productive by adhering to established business policies. 

If this sounds like something you can use for your MSP, learn more by visiting

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