Closing a ticket is considered by some as the final objective for each tech.

There’s no doubt that ticket closure indicates success, but it should not be the be-all and end-all of your MSP’s service team. Instead, ticket closure data should be used to enhance techs’ troubleshooting knowhow, develop their problem-solving skills, and train them so they can resolve future tickets faster. This helps in making your clients happier and getting more business!

The Ticket Closure QA bot automatically verifies important information whenever a ticket is closed. It reports each ticket’s type, subtype, and configuration.

The type and subtype data specify the type of issue that the ticket was related to. This can help your techs make better decisions on how to resolve similar issues. It can also guide the training for your techs.

Meanwhile, writing the configuration of a ticket enables anyone in your business to review it and quickly know the type of work that was done. Since many issues result from updates made to a device or software, this can greatly help your team in future troubleshooting tasks.

Ticket Closure QA Bot Screenshots

The Ticket Closure QA bot is just one of more than 20 bots we created specifically for MSPs.

All of our bots are available at NO COST. Use them by signing up today at