Submitting time entries accurately and on time promotes business transparency and prevents issues.

Unfortunately, with the many tasks that techs face everyday, mistakes happen. A common mistake we’ve seen and heard from many MSPs is when techs have excessively long time entries due to incorrect AM/PM input.

The Prolonged Time Entry Verifier bot confirms whether your techs really worked for more than 12 hours – or (more likely) wrote PM instead of AM by mistake. This is what usually explains unbelievably long time entries.

What this bot does may sound simple, but using it can have profound effects on your business. After detecting such an error, it alerts users to fix it before it can cause accounting or other business-related issues.

Prolonged Time Entry Notification Screenshot

The Prolonged Time Entry Verifier bot is one of the 20+ bots that we designed exclusively for MSPs.

All of our bots are FREE to use. Register now at!